
Serenity For The Soul


I am a Renaissance Soul who specializes in many areas. I am a life coach, educator/coach, storyteller/author, artist, advocate, and have a main interest in nature and healing of the soul. Serenity For The Soul mingles nature, art, love, and vulnerability together to create a sense of well-being. As a life coach, I developed this workbook based on my own experience with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and shame. For me, I had to work on the inside before I could find the energy and strength to work on my physical being. The workbook is designed to motivate and encourage healing both emotionally through creative arts, writing, and meditation and physically through exercise. Join me on the journey of Being Your Own Hero.

Areas of Expertise

Life Coach/Empath: journal & vulnerability work, self-esteem work, understanding of depression & anxiety, and nature meditation; plus I am a mother of 2 boys.
Educator/Coach: nature, ecology, science, fitness training, nutrition, youth soccer
Storyteller/Author: real life, Native American, children's stories (+ read aloud); author of Become Your Own Hero self-empowerment workbook, poetry
Artist: nature photography, ceramics, graphic design, many other mediums
Advocate: Huntington's Disease

Professional Affiliations

Brene` Brown's ecourse based on her book: The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly
Fine Art America online photography gallery and products
National Personal Training Institute
Brendon Burchard's Expert Academy and High Performance Academy
Dani Johnson First Steps to Success and Building a Dynasty
Mary Morrisey Quantum Leap
Environmental Educator
Grade school science teacher
Huntington's Disease Society of America

Books by Serenity For The Soul