
dale felder

sanfranisco,california, City, State, Country,

hi friends my name is mr dale felder I live in san Francisco California, and this is my life story, I came here to San Francisco in 1979, but I was born in Kansas City mo., February 15,1957, today is the mouth of May 2012, so that makes me a 55 years old black man, so you do the math. ha ha and I know your probably riding high in the sky on a airplaine and reading my book just to pass the time away. Or maybe you're just sitting in a Starbucks coffee shop reading my book on your apple computer and your ebook. Or riding on a train with that little reading light on above your head and your just having a laid back quiet spiritrual moment with yourself our you good now? So let me tell you about my life's journey it starts in Kansas City mo, my mother and father met in the early 1950s and got married. My brother was born 1955, then me and my other brother came later 1957, then my mother had an enlarged weak heart and she died when I was two years old. And a day after my mother died my father

Books by dale felder