
[ab] Alessandra Bello Fotografia


Born in Gemona del Friuli in Udine, Italy on June 28th, 1985. In 2004 graduated in Master of Arts and in 2014 in Science of Architecture at the IUAV, University Institute of Architecture of Venice.
Attended a number of lessons by John Davies, Giovanni Chiaramonte, Diego Mormorio and Leonard Sussman and by Guido Guidi, and was introduced by them to a more conscious way of taking photographs.
From 2008 to 2011 worked with Orch Studio of Fulvio Orsenigo and Alessandra Chemollo.

In January 2009, founded [ab] Alessandra Bello Photography, and is now working as a freelance photographer of architecture and landscape.
Published in numerous architectural magazines and participated in the 12th Venice Biennale of Architecture and the Milan Triennale.

Areas of Expertise

Architecture and Landscape Photography.
Digital and Analog Photography.

Books by [ab] Alessandra Bello Fotografia

5-6 of 6 Books