
Dorothy Ailey

Nashville, TN

Dorothy Ailey is a 96-year-old, retired Oklahoma teacher who currently lives in a Nashville, Tennessee nursing home. Demure and reserved one minute, droll and quick-witted the next, Dorothy is a favorite among the facility staff. She's surprisingly tech savvy using her computer to send emails, surf the Internet and play some mean games of Spider Solitaire.
Dorothy's daughter, Judy Bumgarner, who also lives in Nashville, is a Methodist pastor's assistant as well as a freelance writer for Cokesbury. She's also written for HealthTrust, Thomas Nelson, Ingram Books, Caterpillar Financial, and Affinion Group, and has been published in "Plane and Pilot", "Pilot Journal", "CMA Close Up" and "Backstreets".
Judy asked Dorothy to record her life stories which she put together along with over 250 photos to create her mother's heartwarming, sometimes amusing and always touching memoir.

Books by Dorothy Ailey